Key Tips That Can Increase Your Resale Value

  Are you thinking of selling? If so, here key tips that can increase your resale value!!

DO’S – 

  • Repaint walls, mouldings, doors and cupboards. A fresh coat of paint can drastically improve the overall look of an apartment. 

Tip – Go white, it’s the most effective color when selling and has been long proven to boost your resale value! 

  • Repair – Ahead of showing your apartment attend to any refurbishments, such as loose knobs, squeaky doors, blocked drains, etc. 
  • Thorough Clean – Be sure to give the apartment a good scrub before showing. After all, a dirty apartment is a big turn off for potential buyers. 
  • Lighting – Open all blinds and shades. Additionally make sure all lights are on and the apartment is well lit. This simple trick makes apartments look larger, brighter and fresher. 


  • If a lick of paint is required be sure it is done well in advance so that the smell has time to settle. There’s nothing worse than walking into an apartment and have it smell like chemicals!
  • No Personal Items – Theft is a common occurrence while apartments are being shown. Store all personal belongings. Not only will the apartment look orderly but people will focus on the actual unit rather than the items within. 
  • Closets – Don’t neglect these spaces! When potential buyers/renters view an apartment they tend to look through closets and cupboards. Make sure all storage areas are well organised and showcase your belongings in a presentable manner. 
  • Don’t forget to market your property when selling. If using an agent have them take care of this step, but if self selling make sure you advertise. The more people see your property the better chance you have of gaining a greater return.